Lika v1.02fs+ 
a full mirc script - by Nalika

Welcome to the Lika script startpage. Feel free to visit the HOMEPAGE.

   Lika, Formerly known as [webirc], first started out in 2001 as a few simple /say aliases and has advanced throughout alot these past two years. Today Lika is a simple, semi-advanced mIRC script for version 6.16+. Lika utilizes the most recent scripting advancements (ha): MTS Theme System, MDX.dll, popups.dll, and ktools.dll etc..

   This script has been on my HD for quite some time now. I have worked on it over the last four summers during HIghschool. And i never released it. So i figured id release and put it to some purpose.

    Lika originally started out as my [Nalika] personal script. So i decided to release, for all the lazy people out there. Lika is maintained and scripted by Nalika.

   The help file is very detailed and extensive. After you download and load an addon, it will appear in the help menu. SO PLEASE READ IT.

> Update All Addons
> Query Blocker Protections
> Custom messages for 'fserv'
> History Dialog Addon
> New Dialog IRC Scanner
> FTP Announcer
> More efficient FileServer/XDCC
> XDCC Statistics
> Network Setting Manager
> Update mp3 Player
> Update Notify List
> Event Sounds
> More Display Options
> More aliases and more alias friendly.
> More efficient error Checking and cleaner code

> Give a Suggestion for the script! Visit the Forums

Ok here come the credits. The pager where i get to thank everyone for helping me along the way, which by the way was alot. If i forget your name and you feel you have contributed, feel free to contact me. In no particualar order

> Khaled for mIRC


Please Visit the Lika homepage.