What did the blonde say when asked if she wanted to be a Jehovah Witness? Gee, I didn't even see the accident. What do you get when you have 20 blondes in the freezer? Frosted Flakes. What do blondes and computers have in common? You don't know how much you appreciate them until they go down on you. What's a blondes favorite drink? The next one. Why do animals put their noses in blondes crotch? Because they can. What did the postcard from the blonde say? Having a great time. Where am I? How does a blonde turn on the lights after sex? She opens the car door. What do you call a brunette between 2 blondes? The interpreter. How many big busted blondes does it take to change a light bulb? As many as you can get. What's the difference between a blonde and a puppy? After six months a puppy stops whining. This blonde was so dumb - that she had to take off her blouse to count to two. The most expensive thing in the world is a blonde - who is free for the night. Why did GOD invent Orgasms? So blondes will know when you're through. Why are women amazing? They give milk without eating hay, bleed without being cut and bury bones without digging holes. This blonde is so dumb - She doesn't realize that you can play the AM radio in the afternoon. Why don't blondes take hot showers? It fogs up the mirrors. Why do blondes wear shoulder pads? So they don't hurt themselves when they talk (move head sideways). How do you drown a blonde? Put a mirror in the bottom of the pool. Why did the blonde get turned down for auto insurance? She was getting rear-ended too much. How do blondes hold their liquor? By their ears. Why don't blondes play frisbee? It hurts their teeth. Why are blonde jokes so short? So blondes will understand them. What do you call an intelligent blonde? A Golden Retriver. What does a blonde say after you blow in her ear? Thanks for the refill. Why don't blondes take coffee breaks? Because it takes them too long to retrain them. What does a blonde say after sex? Are all of you on the same team. What does a blonde say after finding out she's pregnant? Gee, I hope it's mine. What do you call a blonde with half a brain? Gifted. Why do blondes wear green lipstick? Because red means stop. Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? Because you can park in the handicapped spots. Why do blondes wear panties? To keep their ankles warm. Why do blondes wear so much hairspray? So they can catch all the things going over their head. What is a blonde's mating call? I'm so drunk. What is a brunette's mating call? Are all the blondes gone. How do you make a blonde laugh on Friday? Tell her a joke on Thursday. Why do blondes have T.G.I.F. on their shoes? Toes Go In First! Why did the blonde have square boobs? She forgot to take the kleenex out of the box. How do you put a sparkle in a blondes eyes? Shine a flashlight in her ear. What is the most used 4 letter word by a blonde? NEXT! How many blondes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One, she holds it in the socket and waits for the world to revolve around her Between which two toes is a girl the most ticklish? The two big ones! Why did the blonde go to Hollywood? She wanted to make love under the stars.