[op] Command: op Usage: /op ; ie. /op [|Red-X|] Description: give +o to the user on active channel [dop] Command: dop Usage: /dop ; ie. /dop [|Red-X|] Description: sets -o to the user on active channel [j] Command: j Usage: /j ; ie /j tequilla Description: join in a channel without typing # to the channel name [p] Command: p Usage: /p Description: parts on active channel [v] Command: v Usage: /v ; ie. /v [|Red-X|] Description: give +v to the user on active channel [dv] Command:dv Usage: dv Description: sets -v to the user on active channel [n] Command: n Usage: /n Description: identify your nick on nickserv [k] Command: k Usage: k ; ie. /k [|Red-X|] goodbye cruel channel Description: kick user on active channel [q] Command: q Usage: /q ; ie. /q [|Red-X|] Description: opens query chat [identify] Command:identify Usage: /identify Description: identify your nick with encrypted password [send] Command: send Usage: /send ; ie. /send [|Red-X|] Description: send file through dcc and browse [chat] Command: chat Usage: /chat ; ie. /chat [|Red-X|] Description: Send a dcc chat on a user [ping] Command: ping Usage:/ping ; ie. /ping [|Red-X|] /ctcp $$1 ping Description: get the ctcp ping reply on a user [version] Command: version Usage: /version ; ie. /version [|Red-X|] Description: get the ctcp version reply of a user [o] Command: o Usage /o ; ie. /o hello to all my co-ops here Description: send notice on all ops on active channel [help] Command: help Usage:/help Description: opens this help dialog [finger] Command: finger Usage: finger ; ie. /finger [|Red-X|] Description: gets the ctcp finger reply of a user [time] Command: time Usage: /time ; ie. /time [|Red-X|] Description: get the ctcp time reply of a user [Connectset] Command: connectset Usage: /Connectset Description: opens dialog of connect [tsspointset] Command: tsspointset Usage: /tsspointset or press F2 Description: opens Settings Dialog [chanprotset] Command: chanprot Usage: /chanprot or press F3 Description: opens Channel protection dialog [findyourownset] Commands: findyourownset Usage: /findyourownset or press F4 Description: opens Agnet Spybot Dialog [c] Command: c Usage: /c Description: identify your channel on Chanserv [mp3] Command: mp3 Usage: /mp3 Description: opens mp3 player and mp3 playlist [awaysysset] Command: awaysysset Usage: /awaysysset Description: opens Away System Dialog [inviterset] Command: inviterset Usage: /inviterset Description: opens Inviter Special Kick Dialog [m] Command: m Usage: /m ; ie. /m 2 Description: read your memo usuing Memoserv [directory] Command: Directory Usage: /directory Description: opens Script Index Directory [exit] Command: exit Usage: /exit Description: exit to your mIRC.exe [ov] Command: ov Usage: /ov ; ie. /ov hello im here guys Description: send message to op and voice users only on active channel [a] Command: a Usage: /a ; ie. /a Hello Cruel World Description: Send message to all channel you were in [cq] Command: cq Usage: /cq Description: close all query [windows] Command: windows Usage: /windows Description: shows system info on active channel [csp] Command: csp Usage: /csp Description: shows channel stats on active channel [chnick] Command: chnick Usage: /chnick Description: randomly change nick [kb] Command: kb Usage:/kb ; ie. /kb [|Red-X|] Get out Description: Kick ban a users on active channel [findclone] Command: findclone Usage: findclone Description: scan clones on active channel [ascii] Command: ascii Usage: /ascii Description: opens ascii table [msgaway] Command: msgaway Usage: /msgaway Description: sets your self away [backaway] Command: backaway Usage: /backaway Description: set you back from away [awaynick] Command: awaynick Usage: /awaynick Description: change your nick to away nick [insult] Command: insult Usage: /insult ; ie. /insult [|Red-X|] Description: insultng someone [friend] Command: friend Usage: /friend Description: opens friends list dialog [alist] Command: alist Usage: /alist Description: opens auto op/voice dialog [cs] Command: cs Usage: /cs Description: opens chanser commands [ns] Command: ns Usage:/ns Description: opens nickserv commands [ms] Command: ms Usage: /ms Description: opens memoserv commands [edit] Command:edit Usage: /edit Description: opens script triggers dialog [atopic] Command: atopic Usage: /atopic Description: opens topic editor usage /atopic [seen] Command: seen Usage: /seen Description: open seen dialog [aping] Command: aping Usage: /aping Description: opens ping dialog [aquery] Command: aquery Usage: /aquery Description: opens query auto talk dialog [thanks] Command: thanks Usage: /thanks Description: opens auto thanks dialog [talk] Command: talk Usage: /talk Description: opens channel auto talk and greetings dialog [i] Command: i Usage: /i Description: invites users usage /i [b] Command: b Usage: /b Description: ban a user on active channel [w] Command: w Usage: /w ; ie. /w [|Red-X|] Description: do a whois on a users