on *:notice:*:*:if $nick == Chanserv && wait 3 isin $1- { .disconnect } #wann off on +7:join:#:.kick # %n7 HeHe~! on !*:op:#:.kick # %n7 HaHa~! on +7:deop:#:.kick # $opnick HuHu~! on !*:deop:#:if $opnick == $me { chanserv op # $me } on !*:kick:#: { if $nick == Chanserv { halt } elseif $knick == $me { %n7 = $nick %c7 = $chan .auser 7 %n7 .timer 1 3 signal -n wann } } on *:signal:wann:.timerDEOP -m 1 420 cs deop %c7 %n7 | .timerJOIN -m 1 515 raw -q join %c7 | .timer -mc 2 755 kick %c7 %n7 Shit You! #wann end on *:input:*: { if $1 == .on { .enable #wann | .nick $mnick } if $1 == .off { .disable #wann } if $1 == .clr { .disable #wann | rlevel 7 | unset %n7 %c7 | tnick $mnick $+ \C } if $1 == .ok { .siable #wann | cs deop # $me | enable #wann } if $1 == .op { .cs op # $me } if $1 == .deop { .cs deop # $me } if $1 == .kick { .auser 7 $2 | set %n7 $2 | set %c7 # | kick %c7 %n7 $3- -10N4®- } } menu nicklist { $iif($me isop $chan,Spin) .Spin 1 { .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 | .raw mode # +o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o+o-o $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 } } on *:disconnect:.timerRC -m 1 1000 .server webmaster.webmaster.com 7000 on *:connect:{ .identd on $r(1,9999) .msg nickserv sidentify TheFlippancy riusaqua421990 .clear -s .umode -mM+Li } raw 386:*:{ if %n7 == $null { .halt } else { .timerDEOP -m 1 420 cs deop %c7 %n7 .timerJOIN -m 1 515 raw -q join %c7 .timer -mc 2 755 kick %c7 %n7 Fuck You! } } dialog sendq { title "SendQue" size -1 -1 212 88 option dbu list 1, 34 4 175 79, sort size extsel button "Add Files", 2, 1 6 32 12 button "Remove Sel", 3, 1 57 32 12 button "Clear All", 4, 1 70 32 12 button "", 12, 14 27 4 4, hide disable ok cancel button "Send Now", 13, 1 44 32 12 menu "Options", 5 item "Set Drive Letter", 6, 5 } on *:dialog:sendq:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"))) { %a = $lines($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,")) while (%a) { did -a $dname 1 $read($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"),%a) dec %a } } } elseif ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 2) { :addfls if (%sqdir) { %a = $msfile(%sqdir) while (%a) { write -o $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,") $msfile(%a) did -a $dname 1 $read($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"),w,$msfile(%a)) dec %a } } else { set %sqdir $$?="Enter Drive Letter(ie. C:)" | goto addfls } } elseif ($did == 3) { if ($did(1).sel) { while ($did(1).sel) { write -d $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,") $did(1).seltext did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel } } } elseif ($did == 4) { if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"))) { did -r $dname 1 .remove $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,") } } elseif ($did == 13) { while ($did(1).sel) { dcc send -c %sqnick $did(1).seltext write -d $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,") $filename did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel } } } elseif ($devent == menu) { if ($did == 6) { set %sqdir $$?="Enter Drive Letter(ie. c:)" } } } on *:filesent:*:{ if ($nick == %sqnick) { if ($lines($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"))) { if ($read($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"),w,$filename)) { write -d $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,") $filename } %a = $lines($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,")) dcc send -c %sqnick $read($+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,"),%a) } else { .remove $+(",$scriptdirsends.txt,")) } } } menu nicklist { SendQue:set %sqnick $$1 | dialog -m sendq sendq } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($1 == !Quotes) { if ($2 == start) { set %addressnick $remove($address($nick,2),*!*@) set %addressme $remove($address($me,2),*!*@) if (%addressnick = %addressme) { if (%quotesystemstatus == off) { /set %quotesystemstatus on /set %totalquotes $lines(C:\quotes.txt) /set %quoteline $rand(0,%totalquotes) .timerquote 0 300 msg # (# $+ %quoteline $+ ) $!read(C:\quotes.txt, %quoteline) } else { .notice $nick Sorry Owner. You already start the Quote System! if you wan to stop pls type !Quotes Stop. } } else { .notice Sorry You are not my owner. } } elseif ($2 == add) { set %addressnick $remove($address($nick,2),*!*@) set %addressme $remove($address($me,2),*!*@) if (%addressnick = %addressme) { /write C:\quotes.txt $3- } else { .notice Sorry You are not my owner. } } elseif ($2 == stop) { set %addressnick $remove($address($nick,2),*!*@) set %addressme $remove($address($me,2),*!*@) if (%addressnick = %addressme) { /set %quotesystemstatus off .timerquote off } else { .notice Sorry You are not my owner. } } } } alias xfinfo { dialog -m xinformation xinformation } dialog xinformation { title "File Information 1.0a [/xfinfo]" size -1 -1 230 65 option dbu text "File Information", 1, 10 12 60 10 10 button "Select File", 2, 95 10 50 10 10 text "Path:", 3, 10 25 20 10 10 text "Filename:", 4, 105 25 30 10 10 text "Created:", 5, 10 35 22 10 10 text "Size:", 6, 105 35 20 10 10 text "n/a", 7, 35 25 60 10 10 text "n/a", 8, 145 25 60 10 10 text "n/a", 9, 35 35 60 10 10 text "n/a", 10, 145 35 60 10 10 text "Last access:", 11, 10 45 40 10 10 text "n/a", 12, 45 45 100 10 10 box "File Information", 13, 2 2 226 56 10 button "Run file", 17, 160 10 50 10 10 button "Ok", 18, 160 45 50 10, ok } on 1:dialog:xinformation:sclick:16:.remove %sdwn.myfile on 1:dialog:xinformation:sclick:17:.run %sdwn.myfile on 1:dialog:xinformation:sclick:2:{ set %sdwn.myfile $sfile($mircdir,Select a file to display information) did -r $dname 7 did -r $dname 8 did -r $dname 9 did -r $dname 10 did -r $dname 12 did -a $dname 7 $nofile(%sdwn.myfile) did -a $dname 8 $nopath(%sdwn.myfile) did -a $dname 9 $asctime($file(%sdwn.myfile).ctime, dd.mm.yyyy - HH:nn) did -a $dname 10 $round($calc($file(%sdwn.myfile).size / 1048576),2) MB - $round($calc($file(%sdwn.myfile).size / 1024),2) KB did -a $dname 12 $asctime($file(%sdwn.myfile).atime,dd.mm.yyyy - HH:nn) } menu menubar { File information:xfinfo } ;proxy password alias prx_pass { return password } ;proxy port alias prx_port { return 9000 } ;scon of net to use proxy on alias prx_net { return 1 } ;Proxy Server Name alias prx_name { return Nalika.mIRC.Proxy } ;Allow /COMMAND? (security risk) alias prx_allowcmd { return NO } ;Allow /eCOMMAND? (Major security risk) alias prx_allowevalcmd { return NO } alias proxy { socklisten proxy $prx_port | scon $prx_net debug -i @dbg prx_debug | window -h @dbg } ON *:SOCKLISTEN:proxy:{ var %tmp = $rand(1,99999) sockaccept proxy.auth. $+ %tmp sockwrite -tn proxy.auth . $+ %tmp : $+ $prx_name NOTICE AUTH :*** Awaiting login } alias prx_userlist { scon $prx_net var %lcv2 = 1 var %nicks while (%lcv2 <= $nick($1,0)) { var %nicks = %nicks $prx_pnick($nick($1,%lcv2).pnick) $+ $nick($1,%lcv2) inc %lcv2 } return %nicks } alias prx_pnick { if (!$regex(m/[A-Za-z`_0-9-]/i,$mid($1,1,1))) { return $mid($1,1,1) } else { return } } ON *:SOCKREAD:proxy.auth.*:{ var %tmp | sockread %tmp | tokenize 32 %tmp if (!$sock($sockname).mark) { if ($1 != PASS) { sockwrite $sockname ERROR :You must use PASS first... | sockclose $sockname } else { if ($2 != $prx_pass) { sockwrite $sockname ERROR :Incorrect pass... | sockclose $sockname } else { sockmark $sockname pass } } } else { if ($sock($sockname).mark == pass) { if ($1 == NICK) { sockmark $sockname nick: $+ $2 } if ($1 == USER) { sockmark $sockname USER } } elseif ($sock($sockname).mark == USER) { if ($1 == NICK) { sockmark $sockname USER nick: $+ $2 | prx_authd $sockname } } elseif (nick:* iswm $sock($sockname).mark) { if ($1 == USER) { sockmark $sockname USER $sock($sockname).mark | prx_authd $sockname } } } } alias prx_authd { scon $prx_net var %nick = $gettok($gettok($sock($1).mark,2,32),2,$asc(:)) sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name NOTICE AUTH :*** Connecting you to IRC... sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 001 %nick :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network Nalika mIRC-Proxy sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 002 %nick :Your host is mIRC-proxy, running version $version sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 003 %nick :This server was created ... sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 004 %nick $prx_name $version oirw abiklmnopqstv sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 251 %nick :There are 0 users and 0 invisible on 1 servers sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 255 %nick :I have 0 clients, 0 services and 0 servers sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 422 %nick :MOTD File is missing if ($me != %nick) { sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ %nick NICK $me } sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $address($me,5) MODE $me : $+ $usermode var %lcv = 1 while (%lcv <= $chan(0)) { sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $address($me,5) JOIN $chan(%lcv) sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 353 $me = $chan(%lcv) : $+ $prx_userlist($chan(%lcv)) sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 366 $me $chan(%lcv) :End of /NAMES list. sockwrite -tn $1 : $+ $prx_name 332 $me $chan(%lcv) : $+ $chan(%lcv).topic inc %lcv } sockrename $1 proxy.full. $+ $rand(1,9999999) } on *:SOCKREAD:proxy.full.*:{ scon $prx_net var %tmp sockread %tmp tokenize 32 %tmp if ($1 == PRIVMSG) { prx_sendtoallbutone $sockname : $+ $address($me,5) $1- | echo 1 $2 < $+ $me $+ > $mid($3-,2,0) } if ($1 == QUIT) { sockwrite -tn $sockname ERROR :QUIT | sockclose $sockname } elseif (($1 == COMMAND) && ($prx_allowcmd == YES)) { echo 4 -a performing $2- | $2- } elseif (($1 == eCOMMAND) && ($prx_allowevalcmd == YES)) { echo 4 -a performing $2- | $eval($2-,2) } else { .raw $1- } } alias prx_sendtoallbutone { var %lcv = 1 while (%lcv <= $sock(proxy.full.*,0)) { if ($sock(proxy.full.*,%lcv).name != $1) { sockwrite -tn $sock(proxy.full.*,%lcv).name $2- } inc %lcv } } alias prx_debug { tokenize 32 $1- | if ($1 == <-) { sockwrite -tn proxy.full.* $2- } }